1. Vision and Mission Statement for Investors



2.Details of services provided by Debenture Trustee.

3. Guidance pertaining to timelines for various services provided

S.No. Type of Activity/ Service Timeline(within no. of days)
1. Disclosure by Debenture Trustee on Website or Stock Exchanges, as applicable
On continuous basis
a. Revision in Credit ratings of debt securities 1
b. Status of payment of interest/ repayment of principal by the Issuer 1
On quarterly basis
a. Monitoring of Security Cover Certificate for secured debt listed debt securities 75/90
b. Statement of value of pledged securities to Stock Exchange 75/90
c. Status of Quarterly compliance report submitted by the Issuer 75/90
On half yearly basis
a. Details of issuances of listed debt securities handled by Debenture Trustee and their status 75
b. Status of information regarding breach of covenants/terms of the issue, if any action taken by debenture trustee 75
c. Complaints received by debenture trustee(s) including default cases 75
e. Net worth certificate of guarantor to stock exchange (in case NCDs are secured by way of personal guarantee) 75
On annual basis
a. Financials/value of guarantor prepared on basis of audited financial statement etc. of the guarantor (in case listed debt securities are secured by way of corporate guarantee) 75
b. Status regarding maintenance of accounts maintained under supervision of debenture trustee 75
c. Status of information regarding any default by the Issuer and action taken by debenture trustee 75
d. Utilization Certificate submitted by the Issuer 75
Once in three years
a. Valuation report and title search report for the immovable/movable assets, if any. 75
2. Other services/activities
a. Providing copy of debenture trust deed to investor 7
b. Redressal of Investor Grievances by Debenture Trustee 30
c. Notice to be issued by Debenture Trustees in case of change in terms of debt securities including rollover, redemption of debt securities etc. 15

4. Guidance pertaining tospecial circumstances


5. Rights and Obligations of Investors

Investor Right – right to

Investor Obligations – under obligation to

6. Details of grievance redressal mechanism